I was wrong, about the Katana seeds from the Congo. Even though the roast aroma was unimpressive, once in the cup, they are a revelation of eye-opening deliciousness.
The reveal comes too late, because Maria’s only had a very small amount to begin with, and isn’t selling more, this growing season at the least. There is only what’s left of the test pound I’m drinking, plus one precious more that I would be willing to part with, but not for less than fifty bucks. Minimum.
Learning: first of all, extremely light roasts are definitely The Way forward. Let them ease into first crack and then go straight to the cooling.
Secondly, no final judgments, until the creamy taste is on my lips.
And third, this is now a standard that everything else must live up to, to make it onto my product list going forward.
FEMA Shelter Assistance To EXPIRE For 3,500 NC Households
Living in one’s truck should never be the only option in a great-again land.
Being well-prepared to do it comfortably even at fifteen degrees should always be one (normally, of two), and that is a kind of truth that gives me purpose this morning in my very own transformation village.
For the day, as the quoted victim says, that “all my friends are long gone”, or sitting in a line of cars a mile long, hoping for enough propane to keep the death chill away another day.
Oly Jesus, Don, you are SO VERY CLOSE to getting it, when you call the border with Canada an “artificially drawn line“.
Now just realize the same is true of that other border you’re famous for trying to close down …
and every other border ever, from the Sonoran Desert and Palestine, to the one that ran right through Berlin.
And finally, the quote of the year, hands-down and already:
“All of this can be found, at U. R. L.”
Maybe just maybe, the puppets of the evil ones, the stooges that my former audience used to insist I must keep voting for, for voting’s sake, are simply too mortally stupid to care, about you or me or anything.
And all those people standing around her moping through the inanity?
They’re jus’ doing their jobs, man, and …
that means that sadly, they and we get exactly the democracy we deserve.